Tides in Montrose Basin

Montrose Basin is the tidal estuary of the river South Esk. Tide information can be obtained in the following ways.

Source Access Comments
Visitor Centre Phone the Visitor Centre (01674 676336) The staff can look up the tables for you and advise about best times and activities around the Basin.
This website

Tide times for a particular month can be seen by choosing from the boxes below.

Tide times for the selected month will be shown on new page. Press your browser’s Back button to return to this page.
This website Tide tables for 2024
Tide tables for 2025
High and low tide times and depths.
Notice: These tables are NOT to be used for any activities that involve entering the tidal area. These tables are only an INDICATION of expected times and depths and this website is NOT responsible for any loss or injury sustained through the use of these tables.
UK Hydrological Office website UKHO The tide details for today and the next six days.